What is the timing of DMART in Valsad during lockdown?
What is the timing of DMART in Valsad during lockdown?

Dmart in valsad is not open for shopping during in lockdown, only online shopping is acceptable thought app

Dmart is only accepting orders through app During in lockdown , pan india they are providing the same service thought app, if you want to order thought app than there is no fixed time for online orders but when you processed the payment option you might be able to wait due to the heavy traffic  but you don’t need to quit that orders keep trying they will accept your order.

Dmart Provide only home Delivery during a lockdown

Home Delivery will take 2 to 5 days depends on your location and you might be not getting all the products which you ordered but they will not charge for those products which are not able to deliver to you.

They preferred to take those order which comes in the range of 7 km in the lockdown session

Dmart Payment option is very good and very comfortable for all

During the lockdown session the Dmart is giving you two options.
Cash on Delivery Swipe a card on Delivery

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